The Government Plans to Move the National Capital from DKI Jakarta to the Nusantara in 2024

ikn news political terkini

JAKARTA, THE NUSANTARA POST- The government plans to move the state capital (IKN) from the Special Capital Region (DKI) Jakarta to the new state capital in East Kalimantan, which will be named Nusantara, in 2024.
The transfer of IKN is known from the plan to make derivative regulations of the IKN Law.

According to Deputy I Chief of Presidential Staff Febry Calvin Tetelepta, the government will issue a derivative regulation of the State Capital Law (UU IKN) in the near future.

Febry said, the regulations derived from the State Capital Law were prepared for the relocation of the capital city in 2024.

“KSP will ensure that the process of preparing derivative regulations and the follow-up to the execution of Nusantara development are properly prepared so that the target for completion in 2024 can be achieved,” said Febry in a press statement in Jakarta Thursday (20/1/2022).

Febry conveyed that the technical details of moving the state capital would be outlined in derivative rules. Several things that will be regulated are the implementation and funding of development, governance arrangements, as well as an explanation of the transition period.

He assessed that the formulation of regulations derived from the IKN Law would not take long. The reason is, the government has prepared a draft of technical rules along with the draft of the IKN Bill.

The official website also lists plans to move the country’s capital city in the 2022-2024 timeframe.

The transfer of the nation’s capital city will be symbolized by a ceremony to commemorate the 79th anniversary of independence in the archipelago.

“The initial relocation of the IKN (K-IKN) area, building main infrastructure such as the Presidential Palace, DPR/MPR RI Building and housing, also includes the relocation of early stage ASN, construction and operation of basic infrastructure for the initial 500 thousand residents,” quoted from the website. official website.

Previously, the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) and the government passed the Law on the State Capital. With this law, the nation’s capital city will be moved from DKI Jakarta to IKN Nusantara.

The relocation of the country’s capital city awaits the derivative regulations of the IKN Law. However, as long as the derivative regulations have not been issued, DKI Jakarta will still hold the status of the state capital (TS/TNP).

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