JAKARTA, THE NUSANTARAPOST.COM- The National Capital City Bill (RUU IKN) has been officially promulgated into law after being signed by President Joko Widodo.
“It is true that Law no. 3 of 2022 concerning IKN. I got a verbal notification, but it hasn’t appeared on the State Secretariat’s website,” said Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Wendy Tuturoong in Jakarta, Friday.
On January 18, 2022, it was discovered that the 13th Plenary Meeting of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the Third Session of the 2021-2022 Session Year had also agreed to ratify the IKN Bill.
“It looks like it was signed by (President Jokowi) on February 15, 2022,” added Wendy.
However, to start the construction of a new capital city, according to Wendy, we still have to wait for derivative regulations. The target is March-April this can be completed, “said Wendy.
The government has since 2019 prepared a new National Capital (IKN) in the Sepaku area, bordering North Penajam Pasert and Kutai Kartanegara districts, East Kalimantan.
In Article 1 of the IKN Bill which was passed by the DPR on January 18, 2022, it was stated “The State Capital named Nusantara and hereinafter referred to as the Capital of the Nusantara is a special regional government unit at the same level as the National Capital City.
province whose territory becomes the domicile of the State Capital as stipulated and regulated by this Law”.
Article 9 also states that “the Archipelago Capital Authority is led by the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority and assisted by a Deputy Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority who is appointed, appointed, and dismissed directly by the President after consulting with the DPR”.
The IKN Nusantara Special Regional Government, which is referred to as the IKN Authority, is at the ministry level and is tasked with preparing, developing, and transferring IKN as well as budget users or users of goods.
The IKN government was agreed in the form of a Special Regional Government (Pemdasus), which is a regional government that has specificity and is at the provincial level whose territory is the seat of IKN.
The government is currently drafting ten derivative regulations of the State Capital Law (UU IKN). This includes the formation of 3 government regulations (PP), 5 presidential regulations (perpres), 1 presidential decree (keppres), and 1 head regulation of the IKN Authority.
The development and relocation of IKN is planned to be carried out in five stages, namely the first stage in 2022 to 2024 by prioritizing the availability of basic infrastructure, while stages two to five from 2025 to 2045.
The government estimates that the total budget requirement for IKN will reach Rp. 466 trillion, which will be met through the APBN of Rp. 89.4 trillion, Rp. 253.4 trillion from government and business entity cooperation (KPBU) and Rp. 123.2 trillion from the private sector (Wan)