Although Not Completed Physically, The Capital Of The Nusantara Will Be Present In The Metaverse

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JAKARTA, THE NUSANTARA POST- The capital city of the Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan, although physically not yet built, can be visited virtually through the local-made metaverse of Jagat.

“With collaboration, we can bring IKN to the metaverse that may be different from what we see today,” said Founding Chairman Jagat Wishnutama Kusubandio at the launch in Jakarta, Friday.

Metaverse Jagat, according to CEO Barry Beagen, is the latest generation of social media that offers different social interactions from current social media. In the metaverse, users must create an avatar to represent themselves in cyberspace.

If on social media interaction can be done through comments, in metaverse avatars can interact with each other. Metaverse Jagat will be able to be used for virtual meetings to virtual concerts.

Jagat is currently developing IKN as one of the locations that avatars can visit. Currently available locations in Jagat include the State Palace, UTown and worlds belonging to Jagat’s partners, including Sociolla and Noice.

The idea of ​​making a metaverse version of IKN began with the construction of IKN in East Kalimantan, which is scheduled to be completed in 2045. While waiting for the IKN to be completed, internet users can see a picture of what IKN will look like.

“Users can build IKN, innovate in IKN (virtual) before IKN (physical) occurs,” said Barry.

In the prototype shown to the media, the IKN metaverse contains the Presidential Palace building. To be able to visit the metaverse version of IKN in Jagat later, users must create an account and design an avatar first.

After creating an avatar, select the location you want to visit and the user can interact with the avatars of other users who are currently here.

The Jagat app is currently available on the Google Android and Apple iOS versions of the app. Metaverse Jagat is currently available for free (Ant/TC/TNP)

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