Explaining the Potential of Indonesia’s Sharia Economy, Arief Rosyid Talks About Digital Islamic Ecosystem In Lisbon Portugal

business international news terkini

LISBON, THE NUSANTARA POST- BSI Independent Commissioner Arief Rosyid was one of the speakers in a series of WebSummit & TWT Events which this year took place in Lisbon, Portugal.

The WebSummit was attended by leaders of global technology companies, decision makers, and technology experts.

Bringing the topic of Digital Islamic Ecosystem, Arief explained the potential of the world’s Islamic population which is supported by interaction and community culture. Through this capital, the Islamic economic ecosystem is able to bring Indonesia as a global giant.

The Chairman of PB HMI 2013-2015 also explained the role of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in becoming the motor to drive the sharia economic ecosystem. Arief explained that BSI has a role as an enabler so that the distribution of social donations can take place in one BSI mobile application.

One of the significant figures with the presence of these digital features, namely zakat, infaq, alms, waqf funds (ZISWAF) managed by BSI until September 2022 has reached Rp 100 billion with 7 million transactions recorded.

Arief also explained the sharia economic ecosystem with the pesantren and mosque communities based on it. “Currently, BSI has tested around 8 Islamic boarding schools, as well as 60 mosques. BSI and these communities not only establish cooperation in the nature of transactions, but also in the aspect of empowering MSMEs around Islamic boarding schools and mosques. We hope that this synergy will continue to be sustainable, so that BSI can continue to provide the widest possible benefits for the people and the nation as the Government hopes for us,” he wrote.

After the session, the audience expressed their enthusiasm. One of the participants asked, “what is needed to help this digital Islamic ecosystem?”. Arief also replied, “I feel happy to be invited to this event, for that I invite the participants to be involved in building this Digital Islamic Ecosystem. The potential for growth is still very large, considering that the potential of Muslims from 2010-2050 has increased up to 73%. Referring to the Pew Research Center” (Marwan Azis)

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