Officially Closed, These are the Achievements of the G20 Summit Meeting in Bali

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BALI, THE NUSANTARA POST- The Indonesian G20 presidency succeeded in producing a joint declaration called the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration.

This was conveyed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in his press statement, at the Bali G20 Media Center, Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Badung Regency (16/11).

“Indonesia’s leadership has succeeded in producing a declaration by the G20 leaders, the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration, which was initially doubted by many parties,” said the President.

The declaration consists of 52 paragraphs. From a number of these paragraphs, said the President, there is one paragraph that is highly debated, which is related to the statement of attitude towards the War in Ukraine. However, after quite a long discussion, the G20 leaders agreed to condemn the war because it was considered to have violated boundaries and territorial integrity.

“This war has caused people to suffer and has exacerbated the global economy, which is still fragile due to the pandemic, which poses a risk of a food crisis, energy crisis and potential financial crisis,” he said.

Apart from the joint declaration, said the President, the G20 Summit also produced a number of concrete achievements. These achievements include the establishment of a pandemic fund which has reached US$1.5 billion to date. Another achievement was the establishment and operation of a resilience and sustainability trust (RST) under the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the amount of US$81.6 billion to help countries facing crises. Another achievement related to the energy transition mechanism in which Indonesia obtained a commitment from the just energy transition partnership (JETP) of USD 20 billion.

“A joint commitment of at least 30 percent of the world’s land and 30 percent of the world’s oceans to be protected by 2030. This is very good. And continue the commitment to reduce land degradation by 50 percent in 2040 voluntarily,” he concluded (Wan)


Resmi Ditutup, Ini Capaian Pertemuan KTT G20 Di Bali

Presidensi G20 Indonesia berhasil menghasilkan deklarasi bersama yang dinamai G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration.

Hal itu disampaikan oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dalam pernyataan persnya, di Media Center G20 Bali, Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Kabupaten Badung (16/11).

“Kepemimpinan Indonesia telah berhasil menghasilkan deklarasi pemimpin G20, G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration yang awalnya diragukan oleh banyak pihak,” ujar Presiden.

Deklarasi tersebut terdiri dari 52 paragraf. Dari sejumlah paragraf tersebut, ujar Presiden, terdapat satu paragraf yang sangat diperdebatkan, yaitu terkait pernyataan sikap terhadap Perang di Ukraina. Namun, melalui diskusi yang cukup lama, para pemimpin G20 sepakat mengecam perang tersebut karena dianggap telah melanggar batas dan integritas wilayah.

“Perang ini telah mengakibatkan penderitaan masyarakat dan memperberat ekonomi global yang masih rapuh akibat pandemi yang menimbulkan risiko terhadap krisis pangan, krisis energi, dan potensi krisis finansial,” ujarnya.

Selain deklarasi bersama, tutur Presiden, KTT G20 juga menghasilkan sejumlah capaian konkret. Capaian tersebut, antara lain, terbentuknya pandemic fund yang sampai hari ini mencapai 1,5 miliar Dolar Amerika Serikat (AS). Capaian lainnya adalah pembentukan dan operasionalisasi resilience and sustainability trust (RST) di bawah Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) sejumlah 81,6 miliar Dolar AS untuk membantu negara-negara yang menghadapi krisis. Capaian lain terkait energy transition mechanism di mana Indonesia memperoleh komitmen dari just energy transition partnership (JETP) sebesar 20 miliar Dolar AS.

“Komitmen bersama setidaknya 30 persen dari daratan dunia dan 30 persen lautan dunia dilindungi di tahun 2030. Ini sangat bagus. Dan melanjutkan komitmen mengurangi degradasi tanah sampai 50 persen tahun 2040 secara sukarela,” pungkasnya (Wan)

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