Musi Rawas Flood Widespread, Reportedly 8,227 People Affected

environment news terkini

This is a portrait of the houses of residents who were flood victims in Musi Rawas, South Sumatra Province. Photo: BNPB/

MUSI RAWAS, THE NUSANTARA POST- Floods hit the Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Province on Friday (10/3). The floods were triggered by high-intensity rains that caused the Musi River to overflow which had an impact on residential areas.

The BNPB Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) managed to collect the latest data from the Musi Rawas Regency BPBD as of Monday (13/3) at 17.30 WIB, stating that 8,227 people were affected spread across three sub-districts. The affected districts are Bts Ulu Cecar District, Muara Kelingi District and Sukakarya District. The floods also affected at least 2,618 housing units, two bridges were slightly damaged, two suspension bridges were broken, one polindes, one village office, one elementary school and three places of worship were affected.

Abdul Muhari, Ph.D.Plt. The Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center said that based on a temporary rapid assessment, the flood height was monitored between 50-400 centimeters. Visual monitoring in the field stated that water conditions tended to rise and the affected area was expanding.

“The BPBD of Musi Rawas Regency arrived at the location immediately after the incident and continues to coordinate intensively with the local government to collect data and survey the affected locations. In addition, evacuation efforts are also being carried out by deploying rubber boats to take the affected residents to a safer location,” said Muhari in Jakarta (16/3)

Referring to BMKG information regarding the March Basis III Rainfall Forecast, the Musi Rawas area has the potential for rainfall in the Medium category. Responding to this, Muhari appealed to the public to take steps to increase preparedness and alertness for disasters caused by weather factors. “One of them is by knowing which areas are prone to disasters, then always looking for the latest weather information that will occur, and then knowing the evacuation route if a disaster occurs,” he said (Wan)


Banjir Musi Rawas Meluas, Dilaporkan Sebanyak 8.227 Jiwa Terdampak

MUSI RAWAS, THE NUSANTARA POST- Banjir melanda wilayah Kabupaten Musi Rawas, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan pada Jumat (10/3). Banjir dipicu hujan dengan intensitas tinggi hingga meluapnya Sungai Musi yang berdampak ke pemukiman warga.

Pusat Pengendalian Operasi (Pusdalops) BNPB berhasil menghimpun data terkini dari BPBD Kabupaten Musi Rawas per Senin (13/3) pukul 17.30 WIB menyebutkan sebanyak 8.227 jiwa terdampak yang tersebar di tiga kecamatan. Adapun kecamatan terdampak yakni Kecamatan Bts Ulu Cecar, Kecamatan Muara Kelingi dan Kecamatan Sukakarya. Banjir juga mengakibatkan sedikitnya 2.618 unit rumah terdampak, dua jembatan rusak ringan, dua jembatan gantung putus, satu polindes, satu kantor desa, satu sekolah dasar dan tiga tempat ibadah terdampak.

Abdul Muhari, Ph.D.Plt. Kepala Pusat Data, Informasi dan Komunikasi Kebencanaan BNPB menyampaikan berdasarkan kaji cepat sementara, ketinggian banjir terpantau berkisar antara 50 – 400 sentimeter. Pantauan visual dilapangan menyebutkan, kondisi air cenderung naik dan luasan terdampak semakin meluas.

“BPBD Kabupaten Musi Rawas segera tiba dilokasi sesaat setelah kejadian dan terus melakukan koordinasi intensif dengan pemerintah daerah guna melakukan pendataan serta peninjauan dilokasi terdampak. Selain itu, upaya evakuasi juga terus dilakukan dengan mengerahkan perahu karet untuk membawa warga terdampak ke lokasi yang lebih aman,”ujar Muhari di Jakarta (16/3)

Merujuk informasi BMKG mengenai Prakiraan Curah Hujan Dasarian III Maret untuk wilayah Musi Rawas memiliki potensi curah hujan dengan kategori Menengah. Merpons hal tersebut, Muhari mengimbau kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan langkah-langkah meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan dan kewaspadaan bencana yang disebabkan oleh faktor cuaca. “Salah satunya dengan mengetahui mana saja wilayah yang rawan bencana, kemudian selalu mencari informasi terkini cuaca yang akan terjadi, dan selanjutnya mengetahui jalur evakuasi jika terjadi bencana,”tandasnya (Wan)

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