The presidential candidate, Anies Baswedan, shows a charter containing pointers to the Coalition for Change for Unity agreement. Photo: IG Anies Baswedan.
JAKARTA, THENUSANTARAPOST.COM- The Pro Anies Volunteer Community appreciates the formation and declaration of the Coalition for Change for Unity by three parties supporting Anies Baswedan, namely the Nasdem Party, Democrats and PKS yesterday.
“First, we as Pro Anies Volunteers and CitizensProAnies appreciate that the Coalition for Change for Unity has been declared by three Pro Anies parties, namely Nasdem, PKS and Democrats, yesterday coinciding with 2 Ramadhan,” said National Coordinator of Pro Anies Volunteers, Marwan Azis in Jakarta (25/3) when responding to the formation of the Coalition for Change for Unity.
The alumnus of the Islamic Student Association (HMI), who is also the Founder of, said that for Pro Anies volunteers, the formation of the Change Coalition for Unity which carries Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election is a spirit for Pro Anies volunteers in working to socialize Anies to the public. towards a big victory in the 2024 presidential election.
After the Coalition for Change for Change was formed, continued Marwan, Pro Anies Volunteers hoped that soon there would be an agreement from the Pro Anies Coalition party regarding the candidate for vice president who would accompany Anies Baswedan in the upcoming Presidential Election.
“Regarding the vice presidential candidate, we suggest that Anies Baswedan can be determined as the presidential candidate or can be selected from the best internal cadres of the coalition parties, so that the Coalition for Change for Unity will become more solid and stronger towards the 2024 Presidential Election,” said Secretary General Pro Anies, Emmanuel Tular, who also added .
“In the internal 3 Pro Anies Coalition Party, there are several figures who have the potential to accompany Anies, for example from Democrats there is Mas AHY, in PKS there is Pak Ahmad Heryawan (Aher), then in Nasdem there is Pak Rahmat Gobel. So in our opinion, there is no need to look for a figure outside the party coalition, so that the Coalition for Change for Unity remains as solid as its name, a coalition for change for unity,” he said.
The former Chairman of the PMKRI Presidium (Indonesian Catholic Student Association) also suggested Anies Baswedan and the Coalition for Change for Unity continue to mobilize support to all levels of society, especially prospective voters who have the right to vote.
“We as Pro Anies Volunteers will continue to support Anies Baswedan’s efforts to win in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the former Secretary General of PB HMI, Minarni, who is one of the top Pro Anies volunteers, stated that the Declaration of the Coalition for Change for Unity confirmed support for Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate who had met the Presidential Threshold (PT) for the first time.
“This gives new enthusiasm to all Pro Anies volunteers to continue working, socializing Anies Baswedan to the public at large,” he said.
As information, Anies is currently supported by parties that are members of the Change Coalition, namely from PKS, Nasdem, and Democrats. PKS has 8.70% of the seats in the People’s Representative Council (DPR), the Nasdem Party has 10.26% of the seats in the DPR, and the Democrats have 9.39% of the seats in the DPR. The total votes of the Coalition for Change have reached 28.35% or exceeded the 20% DPR seat nomination threshold (TNP).
Apresiasi Terbentuknya Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan, Relawan Pro Anies Usulkan Cawapres dari Internal Koalisi
JAKARTA, THENUSANTARAPOST.COM- Komunitas Relawan Pro Anies mengapresiasi terbentuk dan dideklarasikan Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan oleh tiga partai pendukung Anies Baswedan yaitu Partai Nasdem, Demokrat dan PKS kemarin.
“Pertama kami sebagai Relawan Pro Anies dan CitizenetProAnies mengapresiasi telah dideklarasikan Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan oleh tiga partai Pro Anies yaitu Nasdem, PKS dan Demokrat kemarin bertepatan 2 Ramadhan,”kata Kordinator Nasional Relawan Pro Anies, Marwan Azis di Jakarta (25/3) ketika merespon terbentuknya Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan.
Alumnus Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) yang juga Founder ini menuturkan, bagi relawan Pro Anies, terbentuknya Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan yang mengusung Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal capres pada Pilpres 2024 menjadi spirit bagi relawan Pro Anies dalam bekerja mensosialisasikan Anies ke publik menuju kemenangan besar pada Pilpres 2024.
Setelah Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Perubahan terbentuk lanjut Marwan, Relawan Pro Anies berharap akan segera ada kesepakatan dari partai Koalisi Pro Anies mengenai bakal cawapres yang bakal mendampingi Anies Baswedan pada Pilpres mendatang.
“Mengenai Cawapres, kami menyarankan, dapat ditentukan oleh Anies Baswedan selaku Calon Presiden atau dapat dipilih dari kader terbaik internal partai koalisi, supaya Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan makin solid dan makin kuat menuju Pilpres 2024,”ujar Sekjen Pro Anies, Emmanuel Tular yang turut menambahkan.
“Kan diinternal 3 Partai Koalisi Pro Anies, ada beberapa tokoh yang potensial mendampingi bang Anies misalnya dari Demokrat ada Mas AHY, di PKS ada pak Ahmad Heryawan (Aher), kemudian di Nasdem ada Pak Rahmat Gobel. Jadi menurut kami, tak perlu mencari sosok tokoh diluar koalisi partai, agar Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan tetap solid sesuai dengan namanya, koalisi perubahan untuk persatuan,”tuturnya.
Mantan Ketua Umum Presidium PMKRI (Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Katholik Republik Indonesia) ini juga menyarankan Anies Baswedan dan Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan terus melakukan mobilisasi dukungan ke segenap lapisan masyarakat khususnya calon pemilih yang memiliki hak memilih
“Kami sebagai Relawan Pro Anies akan terus mendukung upaya pemenangan Anies Baswedan dalam pertarungan Pilpres 2024 mendatang,”jelasnya.
Sementara itu mantan Sekjen PB HMI, Minarni yang masuk dalam petinggi relawan Pro Anies menegaskan, dengan adanya Deklarasi Koalisi Perubahan Untuk Persatuan mempertegas dukungan kepada Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden yang pertama kali telah memenuhi Presidential Treshold (PT) atau ambang batas pencalonan presiden.
“Ini memberi semangat baru bagi seluruh relawan Pro Anies untuk terus bekerja, mensosialisasikan Anies Baswedan ke publik secara luas,”tandasnya.
Sekedar informasi, Anies saat ini didukung oleh partai yang tergabung dalam Koalisi Perubahan yakni dari PKS, Nasdem, dan Demokrat. PKS memiliki 8,70% kursi di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), Partai Nasdem 10,26% kursi di DPR, dan Demokrat dengan 9,39% kursi di DPR. Total suara dari Koalisi Perubahan sudah mencapai 28,35% atau melampaui ambang batas pencapresan 20% kursi DPR (TNP)