DKI Provincial Government Prepares Proposed Jakarta Specialty Bill

business news political

JAKARTA, THE NUSANTARA POST- Jakarta is no longer the capital city. However, that does not mean that Jakarta will lose its uniqueness.

For this reason, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is currently discussing the substance of the proposed Jakarta Special Bill (RUU) which will be submitted to the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Government of DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretary, Sigit Wijatmoko, revealed that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has formed an internal formulation team for the Provincial Government in a working group divided into eight sectors to prepare the substance of the proposal for the Specialty Bill on Jakarta, namely Mobility and Logistics; Economy, Investment, and Spatial Planning; Public welfare; fiscal; environment; Politics and Governance; Digital Economy and Readiness; and Support Team.

“We have conducted a number of workshops within the provincial government to discuss the substance of the proposed Jakarta Specialty Bill. Recently, a workshop was also held, on 29-30 March 2022, in Ancol, and we are still in the process of finalizing this proposal. We are preparing Jakarta as a global city and the center of the economy even though it is no longer the center of government,” wrote the Jakarta City Hall, Monday (4/4).

Sigit added that the public can actively participate in overseeing the journey of the Jakarta Specialty Bill proposal. For this reason, the official portal jakartake is presented to provide bold access to public services, so that the public can follow the process and its development. As a manifestation of the implementation of information to the public, this portal also provides information that can be easily presented and presented in two languages, namely Indonesian and English.

“As a City of Collaboration, Jakarta opens up wide opportunities for all people, both living in Jakarta and outside Jakarta, let’s give aspirations for a better Jakarta in the future. The public can express their aspirations about what needs to be improved from Jakarta, collaborative ideas for the betterment of Jakarta and anything else, through the jakartake portal, or through social media owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government,” he said.

There are three menus/channels that can be accessed in this portal. The first channel is Deliver Your Aspirations, intended for people who want to provide input and brief hopes for Jakarta in the future after it is no longer the capital city. Aspirations that are sent will appear in the aspiration column. Citizens’ voices contribute fully to the development of the City of Jakarta.

The second channel, Survey Contents. The public can fill out a survey that contains the movement of the new capital city as well as their opinion about Jakarta. There are suggestions, hopes and expectations for Jakarta in the future. This survey is very helpful for the Jakarta Government to provide maximum service to the community.

The third channel, Get to know Jakarta. In this channel, the public can learn more and follow the development process of the discussion of the Jakarta Specialty Bill. This menu is here so that the public can see more deeply about a series of achievements in Jakarta. In addition, there is information related to the various potentials of Jakarta if it is no longer the capital city, to the long history of the city of Jakarta. There are also stages and processes for making the Jakarta Specialty Bill as well as news about Jakarta(Wan)

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