JAKARTA, THENUSANTARA.COM- On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, there has been a violation of the Constitutional Court’s (MK) decision in the case formal review of the Job Creation Law. The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) passed Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation to become Law.
Agreement taken at the 19th Plenary Session for session IV for the 2022-2023 session year. The meeting was also attended government represented by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto.
The Constitutional Rights Defenders Committee (KEPAL), criticized the ratification of the Job Creation Perppu
constitutes a constitutional violation systematically perpetrated by the government and DPR-RI.
Gunawan, Senior Advisor to IHCS (Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice), representing HEAD. said the DPR as a state institution mandated by the people to oversee the government and make conditional improvements to the Job Creation Law which is unconstitutional so that it does not become permanently unconstitutional actually legalizes the government’s unilateral actions through the Perpu Job Creation as a shortcut to improve the Copyright Law which is not in accordance with the Court’s Decision Constitution.
According to him, it is clear from the Constitutional Court decision number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 which
requires that revisions to the Copyright Law must be in the form of academic texts, changes to the substance of the law Job Creation that people complain about, and more meaningful involvement of the people.
Perppu Job Creation which was later passed by the DPR to become a Law shows that once again in the name of investment, discrimination against the people and unconstitutional actions continue done.
“We are KEPAL, who are members of the people’s movement from farmer, fisherman, laborer, activist organizations
villages, human rights defenders and environmental conservationists, as well as academics from the Constitutional Court to crack down on government and DPR non-compliance with the Constitutional Court’s decision,” he said.
On the same occasion, Janses E. Sihaloho Coordinator of the KEPAL Legal Team stated that the Constitutional Court must see the ratification of the Perpu Cipta Kerja on the decision MK as a serious violation of the Constitutional Court’s decision.
“Constitutional complaint for government violations against the Constitutional Court’s decision in the case of formal review of the Job Creation Law which was submitted to KEPAL to The Constitutional Court is strong evidence of the various violations of the Constitutional Court’s decisions, both violations improvement of the Job Creation Law, as well as violations of suspension of strategic actions/policies and establishment of implementing regulations related to the Job Creation Law”, said Janses.
Janses assesses that the Job Creation Perppu which was passed by the DPR became a law in substance that is the same with the Job Creation Law.
“We, from KEPAL, will take legal action again in the future constitutionally on the ratification of the Job Creation Perppu,” added (Wan)
DPR Sahkan Perppu Cipta Kerja, KEPAL : Ini Merupakan Pelanggaran Konstitusi
JAKARTA, THENUSANTARA.COM- Pada Selasa 21 Maret 2023 genap sudah pelanggaran terhadap putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) dalam perkara pengujian formil Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) mensahkan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti UndangUndang (Perppu) Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 tentang Cipta Kerja menjadi Undang-Undang.
Persetujuan diambil dalam Rapat Paripurna ke-19 masa sidang IV tahun sidang 2022-2023. Rapat tersebut turut dihadiri pemerintah yang diwakili Menko Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto.
Komite Pembela Hak Konstitusional (KEPAL), mengecam pengesahan Perppu Cipta Kerja
merupakan pelanggaran konstitusional secara sistematis dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan DPR-RI.
Gunawan, Penasehat Senior IHCS (Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice), mewakili KEPAL. mengatakan DPR sebagai lembaga Negara yang diamanahkan rakyat untuk mengawasi pemerintah dan melakukan perbaikan UU Cipta Kerja yang inkonstitusional secara bersyarat agar tidak menjadi inkonstitusional secara permanen justru melegalkan tindakan sepihak pemerintah melalui Perpu Cipta Kerja sebagai jalan pintas perbaikan UU Cipta yang tidak sesuai dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi.
Menurutnya, terlihat jelas pada putusan MK nomor 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 yang mempersyarakat perbaikan UU Cipta harus dengan naskah akademik, perubahan substansi UU Cipta Kerja yang dikeluhkan masyarakat, dan pelibatan rakyat secara lebih bermakna.
Perppu Cipta Kerja yang kemudian disahkan DPR menjadi Undang-Undang memperlihatkan bahwasanya sekali lagi atas nama investasi, diskriminasi terhadap rakyat dan tindakan inkonstitusional terus dilakukan.
“Kami KEPAL yang beranggotakan gerakan rakyat dari organisasi petani, nelayan, buruh, pegiat desa, pembela HAM, dan pelestari lingkungan hidup, serta akademisi Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk menindak ketidakpatuhan Pemerintah dan DPR terhadap putusan MK,”tuturnya.
Pada kesempatan yang sama, Janses E. Sihaloho Koordinator Tim Kuasa Hukum KEPAL menyatakan Mahkamah Konstitusi harus melihat pengesahan Perpu Cipta Kerja terhadap putusan MK sebagai pelanggaran serius terhadap putusan MK.
“Pengaduan Konstitusional (constitusional complaint) atas pelanggaran pemerintah terhadap putusan MK dalam perkara pengujian formil UU Cipta Kerja yang sudah disampaikan KEPAL ke Mahkamah Konstitusi merupakan bukti kuat ragam pelanggaran putusan MK, baik pelanggaran perbaikan UU Cipta Kerja, maupun pelanggaran penangguhan tindakan/kebijakan strategis dan pembentukan aturan pelaksana terkait UU Cipta Kerja”, sebut Janses.
Janses menilai Perppu Cipta Kerja yang disahkan DPR menjadi UU secara substansi sama dengan UU Cipta Kerja. “Kami dari KEPAL kedepan akan kembali melakukan tindakan hukum secara konstitusional atas pengesahan Perppu Cipta Kerja,”tambahnya (Wan)