Indonesia continues to reform its economic structure and improve the business climate

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President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia made the pandemic period a time to improve itself by laying new foundations for stronger and more sustainable growth. Indonesia also continues to reform its economic structure and improve the business climate.

“We have improved the investment ecosystem, made licensing easier, provided legal certainty, and provided special incentives for priority investment sectors,” the President said in his virtual remarks at the World Economic Forum meeting from the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, on Thursday, January 20. 2022.

Apart from the economic sector, Indonesia also continues to improve the quality of its human resources through various programs, ranging from up-skilling and re-skilling, the establishment of polytechnics in collaboration with industry, to collaboration with universities abroad.

“Indonesia also continues to accelerate infrastructure development that contributes to increasing investment and the business climate. New sources of growth, especially the green economy, will continue to be developed, including the development of the electric vehicle industry ecosystem and the construction of the largest green industrial area in North Kalimantan,” said the President.

President Jokowi added that collaboration with the private sector will also continue to be strengthened. In addition, investment opportunities will also be opened as wide as possible for six priority sectors, namely export-oriented labor-intensive industries, renewable energy, infrastructure, automotive, tourism, and mining.

In addition, a number of development priorities have been set by the government, including increasing food production through the development of food estates, implementing the concept of low-carbon development (green recovery), and transformation to a digital economy through expansion, equity, and improvement of the quality of digital infrastructure and services.

“I invite stakeholders in this forum to partner with Indonesia. Moving forward together, growing together,” said the President (Wan)

VERSI BAHASA INDONESIA………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Indonesia Terus Lakukan Reformasi Struktur Ekonomi dan Perbaiki Iklim Bisnis

BOGOR, THE NUSANTARA POST- Presiden Joko Widodo mengatakan bahwa Indonesia menjadikan masa pandemi sebagai masa berbenah diri dengan meletakkan dasar-dasar baru bagi pertumbuhan yang lebih kuat dan berkelanjutan. Indonesia juga terus mereformasi struktur ekonomi dan memperbaiki iklim bisnis.

“Kami telah memperbaiki ekosistem investasi, mempermudah perizinan, memberikan kepastian hukum, dan memberikan insentif khusus bagi sektor-sektor investasi prioritas,” ujar Presiden dalam sambutannya secara virtual pada pertemuan World Economic Forum dari Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada Kamis, 20 Januari 2022.

Selain di bidang ekonomi, Indonesia juga terus meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia melalui berbagai program, mulai dari up-skilling dan re-skilling, pembentukan politeknik yang bekerja sama dengan industri, hingga kerja sama dengan universitas di luar negeri.

“Indonesia juga terus melaksanakan percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur yang berkontribusi pada peningkatan investasi dan iklim usaha. Sumber-sumber pertumbuhan baru, terutama ekonomi hijau akan terus dikembangkan antara lain, pengembangan ekosistem industri kendaraan tenaga listrik dan pembangunan kawasan industri hijau terbesar di Kalimantan Utara,” ungkap Presiden.

Presiden Jokowi menambahkan bahwa kolaborasi dengan pihak swasta juga akan terus diperkuat. Selain itu, kesempatan investasi juga akan dibuka seluas-luasnya untuk enam sektor prioritas, yaitu industri padat karya yang berorientasi ekspor, energi terbarukan, infrastruktur, otomotif, pariwisata, serta pertambangan.

Di samping itu, sejumlah prioritas pembangunan juga telah ditetapkan pemerintah, di antaranya peningkatan produksi pangan melalui pengembangan food estate, penerapan konsep pembangunan rendah karbon (green recovery), dan transformasi menuju ekonomi digital melalui perluasan, pemerataan, serta peningkatan kualitas infrastruktur dan layanan digital.

“Saya mengajak para pemangku kepentingan dalam forum ini untuk bermitra dengan Indonesia. Maju bersama, tumbuh bersama,” ucap Presiden (Wan)

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