Residential Housing for Civil Servants in the Nusantara Capital Will Be Differentiated Based on Job Level, Here’s Why

ikn news terkini


Photo: Special/Dok. Ministry of Public Works and Housing

JAKARTA, THE NUSANTARA POST – One of the housing projects in the Nusantara Capital (IKN) currently under construction is the development of official residences for State Officials, Civil Servants (ASN), Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), and the National Police. In its construction, there are specific standards that refer to the specifications of the housing based on job levels.

The standards for the size of housing units and apartment buildings are regulated in Law 3/2022 concerning the National Capital (IKN). The details are as follows: houses for Ministers or High State Officials are in the form of ground houses with an area of ​​580 square meters, State Officials’ houses, which are also ground houses, have an area of ​​490 square meters, level 1 apartment units are 390 square meters, level 2 apartment units are 290 square meters, level 3 apartment units are 190 square meters, and functional official and other staff apartments are 98 square meters.

Regarding the number of housing units to be built, the Director of Financing for IKN, Muhammad Naufal Aminuddin, stated that everything will be done according to the current optimized stages, so there are no specific figures yet. However, according to his projections, the number of ASN and TNI Polri personnel to be relocated to IKN is 100 thousand ASN and 103 thousand TNI, totaling 203 thousand.

“Now, based on the current conditions, how many will move is currently being deliberated for the figures. However, one thing for sure is that the number of housing units to be provided is still very large. So, if we see what is currently being built by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing using the state budget, a type 98 tower contains 60 units, for a type 190, it would be approximately half of that if with the same building height and double building typology, possibly 30 units per tower,” explained Naufal during the IKN development market sounding at Hotel Ayana Midplaza as quoted by The Nusantara Post from Detikcom, Thursday (3/7/2024).

Specifically for buildings that are currently prepared by the Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN), it is hoped that one apartment tower will be inhabited by ASN with the same strata. For example, an apartment building for Level 2 officials will not be the same as for functional officials and other staff. Naufal explained that the consideration is based on two points. First, it is from space efficiency and building optimization, and secondly, it is a social consideration.

“For example, if one building is occupied by various strata, the concern is that the situation will not be as comfortable as if everyone is at the same level. So, for example, if a Director meets with a Level 4 official, it might be less comfortable when they meet in the elevator,” Naufal explained.

However, he clarified that those are just non-technical considerations. As for technical considerations, it is to optimize space to produce a maximum number of units (DC/TNP)

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